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Logistics Manager
·Logistics expert in planning, purchasing and distribution.
·My special knowledge in logistics field covers logistics planning,logistics system development,warehousing, transportation, etc.
·Supplying chain management, investment project handling, ISO9000 certification, import and export business.
·based on long-term management experience, be able to lead a project team to settle any difficulties with efficient communication and sincere cooperation.
Name: Stella Li   Gender:Female   Date of Birth:August 23th,1970
Martial Status:Married   Email Address:
Tel:  Mobile Phone:

07/1999 - 12/2000  XXXX China  Logistics Manager
·Monitoring and improving national supply chain performance through designing, implementing and analyzing KPI (from totally new design to implementation throughout the company, including inventory turnover, backorder ratio, supply availability, sales forecast reliability, warehouse utilization and other related measurements.
·Taking a lead in countrywide inventory optimization project.
·Taking a lead in T&A products purchase, inventory, and distribution planning and logistics operations implementation.
·Cooperating with The Third Party Logistics Service provider to continuously improve the warehousing and transport efficiency.
01/1998- 07/1999  XX Shanghai  Manager of Logistics
·Established purchase, production and sales logistics processes based IT system.
·In charge of daily logistics operation.
·In charge of forwarders management and bonded warehousing management.
·Struggled in optimize the inventory on the supply chain.
·Cooperated with production dept. to made MRS and BOM.
08/1993 - 01/1998  XXX Co. Beijing  Logistics Supervisor
·In charge of import contracts and orders management.
·In charge of bonded warehousing management.
·Supervised the performance of freight forwarders and carriers based on cost, delivery and service quality.
·In charge of international and domestic purchasing and transportation.
·Processed all the customs-office-related issues.
07/1998  Beijing University xxx   MBA
01/06/1993  xx Trade Institute  International Trade Bachelor
Language: Be able to communicate efficiently with colleagues and customers in fluent English, whatever in Written, Spoken, Reading or Listening.
Computer: Computer software expert in Excel and Access. Familiar with systems like BPCS, SCALA and related.

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