您現(xiàn)在的位置:廣水人才網(wǎng),廣水人才市場 > 廣水最新求職資訊 > 英語簡歷常用語
◆I am presently looking for a position where my experience will make a positive contribution to the start-up or continuing profitable operation of a business in which I am so well experienced. 
◆ I am an innovative achiever.I feel that in a growth industry like cable television,there is a need for a representative who can meet and beat the competition.I feel that I have all the necessary ingredients to contribute to the success of Any Corporation,and if necessary,I am willing to take a step backwards as long as theris potential for forward momentum.All I need is a starting point. 
◆ Your advertisement in the June 16th issue of Lawyers Monthly is of great interest to me. I feel that I have the qualifications necessary to effectively handle the responsibilities of Administrative Judge. 
◆ I recently took a sabbatical and finished my Bachelors Degree in June at Emerson College.I am currently seking full-time employment. 
◆ After fifteen years as a District Sales Manager,I am seeking new opportunities and am forwarding my resume for your consideration. 
◆ I am planning a permanent relocation to the Chicage area in late summer.I am submitting my resume fo rconsideration in areas where I can apply my experience and education in accounting towards reaching mutually benefical goals. 
◆ I am desirous of apply this job in order to gain more experience in an exporter's office. 
◆ Having noticed the enclosed advertisement in this morning's China Daily News,I wish to apply for the position referred to. 
◆ Learning form Mrs Liu that you are looking for a HR manager,I should like to apply for the position. 
廣水人才網(wǎng)(編輯小木整理) 廣水求職網(wǎng) 廣水招聘網(wǎng) www.dionly.net.cn 
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廣水人才網(wǎng)電話:0722-6234578 0722-6234808      客服電話/傳真:0722-6234578 0722-6234808      客服QQ:(24小時(shí)在線服務(wù),不分節(jié)假日)
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